It’s a nightmare scenario. My big event at Columbia and there I was on the plane going over, shivering with fever.
I could feel it coming as I went through the airport, and on my way picked up what I could from Boots at Terminal 5. I went after this virus with everything I had, and I’m happy to report that between Friday and the morning of the event–Monday–I felt pretty good.
It confirms to me that taking precautions and clearing viral load are important factors in recovery and keeping my viruses from going out of control.
Here’s what I did:
- Covid test. All clear. Phew! I had some extra tests and continued to test throughout my visit.
- Nasal rinse bottle (I take it with me anyway, and you’ll see I have my “drying sticks” (they are orchid supports!) to make sure the bottle and nozzle dry out completely between uses. Twice a day at least, sometimes twice in a row if I felt I was still full of gunk. I used boiled water from the hotel kettle, and made sure to rinse the inside of the bottle and nozzle with freshly boiled water (rinse and discard) before filling the bottle for use.
- First Defense spray. This may have a different name in the US. It’s got carageenan in it, which traps the viruses. You use it at the first sign of a cold. I used it at least 3 times a day. Use after nasal rinsing.
- Saline rinse in a can for when I was moving through the airport or out and about.
- Glycerine throat lozenges (I like Bronchostop)
- Mouthwash to gargle with frequently and disinfect my toothbrush in between uses
- Vitamin C (not shown)
- Paracetemol/tylenol (I can’t take ibuprofen)
And then obviously handwashing, hand sanitisers and masking in public places.
We all want to avoid viruses. Prepare and be ready when that first tickle in your throat happens!